Holland’s Tulip Fields

This morning, while I was shivering on my way to work, I counted how many months of cold we have left. I was feeling a little blue when I realized that warm weather is still a ways off, but my day brightened after I stumbled uponВ Normann Szkop‘s photos of Holland’s tulip fields, via Weather.com. (Which, coincidentally, is predicting lots of snow for theВ weekend. Yay. You know how much I love being cooped up in my apartment!)

If you’re also in need of a cheery dose of spring, take a look at Szkop’s gorgeous photos below and on his Flickr page. I can’t even imagine how brilliant those colors must look in person!

tulip field

tulip field

tulip field

(Photos viaВ Normann Szkop’s Flickr set)


  1. Like someone with a giant roller brush and a load of bright paint went insane all over the landscape! Great pics, put a smile on my face! Also – sucks about the weather forecast… its 29 Celsius here and sunny in my beachside pad, come visit? 😉 Enjoy the weekend in – to candles, music, a hot drink, baking, a blanket and a good book will do wonders!

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