Country Cottages in NYC

As a native New Yorker, I’ve spent most of my life believing that I’d always live in Manhattan—or at the very least, one of the boroughs.

Only recently have I started feeling a bit worn from city living. The crowds and subway are exhausting, and I’d like a little more space, sunshine and fresh air. I’ve wonderedВ whether I could actually move to a small house somewhere in the Hudson Valley.

And then I think about all the things that keep me here: daily ballet classes with great teachers and accompanists. The convenience of a 24-hour city. Being able to eat any type of cuisine I’mВ craving.

This week, IВ found a solution to my dilemma, via Gothamist . They’ve uncovered country-style cottages atop NYC buildings, one in the East Village


…and one in the West Village.


How amazing do they look? Sure, there’s less green space than you’d find upstate. But how nice would it be to enjoy the benefits of the city while relaxing in your own little cottage?

Now if only I could afford one!

(Photos via Gothamist )

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